Sera for Enterprise

Transform the way your team operates

Operating multiple sites of production is a challenge and an opportunity. The challenge is managing complexity. The opportunity is leveraging economies of scale. With Sera, you can do both.

Sera for Enterprise
Organizational consistency
Ensure your growing team is all pulling together through standardized planning and reporting.
Efficiency at scale
Sera helps you centralize your growing know-how into robust “centers of excellence” so that you can do more with less.
Increased accountability
Complexity is a great place to hide. Empower your team to deliver their best. Because if you can’t measure it, you can’t improve it.

How we can help

Cultivation plans
Start setting ambitious goals that translate into concrete actions. Our planning tools make sure your entire organization is on the same page.
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Standard KPIs/Reporting
Get oversight at scale. Our standardized reporting helps you track performance and keep your team accountable.
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Execution plans
Our execution plans put your ideas into motion, converting goals into clear task lists and labor schedules. Let us take care of the nitty-gritty management for you.
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Check out the platform overview
What's next?
Sera for small farms
Growing is hard and expertise is expensive. That’s why Sera makes sure you’re growing optimally for a fraction of the cost of traditional consultants.